Here are 5 ways that Google provides free traffic assistances.

1. Google will help your pages get disco verged with Google sitemaps Google sitemaps is a program that gives you the opportunity to presents your site’s pages to Google in XML or text. Google will then come by and spider the pages, getting you indexed faster.
Take note that this doesn’t necessary mean that your pages will be listed for your favorite keywords, only that discovery will take place a lot faster than with manual submission. Google sitemaps will also give you some basic sites status if you verify your sites, such as the top keywords for discovery, errors if found when crawling, and the types of documents at your site.
If you find compiling your sitemap for Google in the correct format difficult, try the SOFT plus GSiteCrawler Google Sitemap Generator. It’s my Favorite Sitemap generator, free and easy to use.
2. Google Will Talk To You and Your Webmaster In His Or Her native Tongue or Plain English with the webmaster section
The Google information page for webmasters should be your first stop when you want to know more about anything that has to do with your site and its relationship to Google and any of it’s many flavors of search such as fro ogle. Particularly for new sites owners or operators, checking this page first has saved many form needless anxiety. Most of the basic information is in straightforward language, with links to details for geeks like me.
3. Google will tell into Google, Google will tell show you a page that has your link at the top of the page, with a short description, and the following phrase “Google can show you the following information for this URL”. This Special page compiles several queries about site including pages that contain you URL(all the pages Google Knows of that are linked to u.
4. Google will help you analyze your traffic with Google Analytic
After a recent purchase of urchin stats, a free online version has been made available, and rebranded as Google Analytics. This cookie-based invisible visitor tracker can give you information that go a bit beyond standard stats such as bounce rates, visitor’s loyalty, and keyword discovery results for a single day, click paths through your site, and page views per visit.
With the ability to analyze your traffic , you can help learn where the holes in your sites are, and how to keep them on your site for longer periods of time, as well as better ways to steer a visit towards a specific action, such as a subscription. Results come in flavor for the executive and the search marketer alike.
There’s currently a waiting list to use Google Analytic due to popular demand.
5. Google Will advise On Getting the most From Your Traffic with conversion university.
Google Analytic also has two content sections that are available to all, called conversion university.While the articles are decidedly slanted towards AdWords users, a prudent read yields many clues that can be applied to preparing for visitors who arrive through organic search discovery. One reference area is called “Driving Traffic”, the other “Converting Visitors”.
At the end of the day, the process by which your site gets ranked in Google search engine results is a computation of a complex algorithm, which means Google – the search engine –really isn’t capable of being your best friend of your wrost enemy.

Meanwhile ,Google –the company-also provides access to resources that will help give your site a fighting chance..
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