Massive Prime - Agents for Animation and Visual Effects...

Academy Award-winning Massive Prime™ is the complete solution for authoring, directing and rendering custom autonomous agents for animation and visual effects.

The intuitive node-based interface of Massive Prime™ allows artists to interactively create AI-enabled agents. The Brain Editor AI toolset gives artists the freedom to build custom responses for the specific behavior they want to simulate, without any programming.

The Motion Tree workflow and integrated Action Editor allow key-framed or motion-captured animations to be linked to the brain.

Massive Prime™ and Massive Jet™ both include Smart Stunts™ and our GPU-accelerated renderer, Massive Velocity™.


Motion Tree Editor

The Motion Tree is used to design the agent's motion, which then becomes an integral part of the agent. The output from the Motion Tree can then be used as a take list for the mocap session. This Motion Tree workflow, along with the integrated Action Editor, allows key-framed or motion-captured animation clips to be actions linked to the brain.

Brain Editor

The intuitive node-based Brain Editor interface allows artists to interactively create AI=enabled agents without any programming. The AI toolset gives artists the freedom to build custom AI logic for the specific behavior they want to simulate.

API and Scripting

The Massive Application Programmer's Interface (API) allows the development of C/C++ plug-ins. Python and TCL scripts can be executed either in the Massive text port or from an agent's brain.

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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- Norman