The Children’s Prison: Street Children
and India’s Juvenile Justice System

Tens of millions of children live in the streets of cities scattered all over the
world. While their presence may be noticed in developed as well as developing
countries, however, the majority of street children live in the poor nations of
Africa, Asia, and Latin America, especially India and Brazil. Some estimates
put the number of street children living in India’s six most populous cities
at 500,000; more than 100,000 may be found in Delhi alone.2 War, poverty,
urbanization, rapid economic growth, the breakdown of families, and domestic
violence are the most immediate causes of this phenomenon’s growing
proportions. Children are often more vulnerable to the devastating effects of
their countries’ political and economic crises; their governments often fail to
provide effective protection or adequate material support. If some children
are lured to the streets by the exciting prospect of being completely free,
most are driven there by despair. In most cases, they simply have nowhere
else to go.

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