Inventions and Inventors | Discoveries and Inventions

Inventions and Inventors

Telephone - Alexander Graham Bell

Dynamo - Michael Faraday

Television - John Logie Baird

Radar - Robert Watson Watt

LASER - Theodore maiman

Motor Cycle - Daimler

Radio transmitter - Marconi

Cathode Ray Tube - Ferdinand

Refrigerator - Karlvonlinde

Electric Light - Thomas Alva Edison

Dynamite - Alfred Nobel

Telegraph Code - Samuel Morse

Submarine - David Bushnell

Steam Engine - James Watt

Diesel Engine - Rudolf diesel

Printing Machine - Johannes Gutenburg

Electron Microscope - Max Knoll and Ernest Walton Ruska

Diode Valve - John Ambrose Fleming

Revolver - Colt

Type Writer - Sholes

Wireless Telegraphy - Marconi

Crescograph - J.C.Bose

Discoveries and Discoverers

Neutron - James Chadwick

Electron - Joseph John Thomson

Proton - Ernest Rutherford

Positron - Anderson

Sun centered solar system - Nicolaus Copernicus (Poland)

Moons of Jupiter - Galileo Galilei (Italy)

Black hole - Stephen Hawking

Law of Gravitation - Issac Newton (England)

Wave theory of Light - Christiaan Huygens

The Nature of lightning - Benjamin Franklin ( USA)

Electro magnetic Induction - Michael Faraday (England)

Laws of Electrolysis - Michael Faraday

X-Rays - Wilhelm Roentgen

Radioactivity - Henry Becquerel

Radium - Pierre and Marie Curie ( France )

Theory of Relativity - Albert Einstein ( Germany)

Expanding Universe - Edwin Hubble

Alpha and Beta particles - Ernest Rutherford

Quantum Theory - Max Planck

Photoelectric Effect - Albert Einstein

Nuclear fission - Otto Hahn

Uncertainty Principle - Heisenberg ( Germany )

Blood Circulation - William Harvey

Cholera Bacillus - Robert Koch

Cosmic Rays - R.A.Millikan

D.D.T. - Paul Muller

Deutrium (Heavy Water ) - Urey

Laws of Planetary Motion - Charles Darwin

Hydrogen - Cavendish

Insulin - F.Banting

Laughing Gas - Priestly

Logarithms - John Napier

Malarial Parasite - Ronald Ross

Oxygen - Priestly

Pencillin - Alexander Flemming

Letters for the blind - Braille

Heart Transplantation - Christian Barnard

Salk Vaccine - Jones Salk

Vaccine - Edward Jenner